It was revealed last month she was expecting a baby with boyfriend Jamie Redknapp, nine months after confirming their relationship. And pregnant Frida Andersson looked radiant on Thursday as she wore a pretty patterned dress to the opening of Kensington Garden's immersive Van Gogh exhibition. Frida, 37, wowed in a low-cut polka dot dress that was also adorned with bold floral prints which covered over her pregnancy curves. Gorgeous: Pregnant Frida Andersson, 37, looked radiant on Thursday when she wore a pretty patterned dress to the opening of Kensington Garden's immersive Van Gogh exhibitionThe model teamed her frock with white trainers and wore her glossy blonde hair loose. Frida is currently signed to Next Model Management and has previously appeared in content for designer brands such as Escada.
Source: Daily Mail June 04, 2021 00:40 UTC