Dark skinned Libyans were framed as non-Libyan, Black African mercenaries. The process of de-Africanization and re-Europeanization of Libya: The Political Economy of Anti-BlacknessThe issue of framing Blacks in Libya as foreign mercenaries, or what the media purported as “African mercenaries," meant that the rebels were fighting foreign, Black Africans. Hence, the de-Africanization and re-Europeanization of Libya, harking back to the times when Libya was colonized, and Africa partitioned by European states. To the contrary, they have pushed African countries to sovereignly divorce themselves from relations of economic imperialism. [1] For a history on anti-Black racism in Libya before 2011, see Maximilian Forte’s Slouching Towards Sirte: NATO's War on Libya and Africa (2012).
Source: Libya Today March 13, 2024 04:17 UTC