A habeas corpus petition was filed on Friday in the Supreme Court against the house arrest/detention of senior Congress leader and former Union Minister Saifuddin Soz for the past 10 months in Jammu and Kashmir. The petition filed by Mumtazunnisa Soz, his wife, said he had been under detention since August 5, 2019 when the special rights given to Kashmiri people under Article 370 were removed and the State of Jammu and Kashmir was reorganised into the Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh. “Ten months have passed since his first detention, and he is yet to be informed of his grounds of detention. It said his detention was wholly contrary and perverse to the constitutional safeguards laid down under the right to life and personal liberty, as well as the law on preventive detention. “Not only does it attract the vice of unconstitutionality, it is also in stark contravention of the statutory scheme of the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978,” the petition said.
Source: The Hindu May 29, 2020 23:26 UTC