Misrata Chamber of Commerce held a meeting today its headquarters headed by its chairman, Fathi Al-Amin Al-Turki with several Misrata city merchants and company owners affiliated with the Chamber to followed up on the latest developments regarding the statement the chamber issued on 26 February criticising Central Bank of Libya and the Tripoli Ministry of Economy policy. The statement had complained about what it called the unfair monetary policies of the Central Bank of Libya and the instability of the exchange rate, as well as the Ministry of Economy’s neglect of its responsibility towards economic policy and the monopoly of export and import for some companies, contributing to the instability of the exchange rate in the parallel (black) market. The statement had also threatened a general shutdown of businesses. Misrata Chamber said a committee has been formed to hold a meeting next Saturday regarding coordination and communication with the competent authorities to solve the problems and arrange a protest in front of the Central Bank to ‘‘escalate the situation’’. Concealed spat between Tripoli PM and Central Bank Governor goes public (libyaherald.com)Dinar crashes as oilfields are closed by Petroleum Facilities Guards seeking improved pay (libyaherald.com)
Source: Libya Today February 29, 2024 18:19 UTC