Manchester United agree £235m shirt sponsorship contract with TeamViewer from next season in five-year deal - News Summed Up

Manchester United agree £235m shirt sponsorship contract with TeamViewer from next season in five-year deal

Manchester United have agreed a five-year deal, worth £235m, with global technology company TeamViewer to become their principal shirt sponsor from next season. The Germany-based remote software firm will replace American car manufacturers Chevrolet, who have been the main shirt sponsor since 2014. TeamViewer becomes the sixth principal shirt sponsor in United's history, following deals with Sharp, Vodafone, AIG, Aon and Chevrolet. "We are extremely proud Manchester United picked us as partner in their ongoing technology journey." "That's a huge money-spinner for Manchester United when it's full, and a huge loss-maker when it's empty.

Source: Sky sports March 19, 2021 14:01 UTC

