WhatsApp has announced the early launch of Channels in Egypt, a new way for people and organizations to share information with large audiences. To celebrate the launch of Channels in Egypt, WhatsApp is working with partners from a range of sectors and industries, including government bodies, media companies, and sports teams. These partners will use Channels to share information with their audiences, including news, updates, and announcements. “The launch of WhatsApp Channels will provide people and organizations here with early access to a new way to share information with Egypt’s fast-growing WhatsApp community.”WhatsApp Channels are currently available in a limited number of countries, but the company plans to roll them out to more countries in the coming months. Here are some of the benefits of using WhatsApp Channels:

July 26, 2023 00:22 UTC

Egypt on Tuesday condemned a suicide bomber attack in Somalia that killed at least 20 soldiers. The attack took place at a training camp in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Monday. The al-Shabab terrorist group claimed responsibility. The attack is the latest in a series of deadly attacks by al-Shabab in Somalia. The group is linked to al-Qaeda and is seeking to overthrow the Somali government and establish an Islamic state.

July 25, 2023 22:48 UTC

CAIRO - 25 July 2023: Egypt’s Ministry of Petroleum announced reaching an agreement with Barrick Gold and Centamin on the commercial, fiscal, and legal terms for Model of Minerals Exploitation Agreement (MMEA) on a number of concession blocks awarded to the two companies in the international bid round for exploration of gold and associated minerals. This is a new regulatory framework for mineral exploitation, under which 30-year exploitation licenses will be awarded to miners. In a separate statement, Centamin stated that MMEA applies to Centamin's three EDX blocks, Nugrus, Um Rus, and Najd, and will come into effect once the Egyptian parliamentary approval is granted and legally ratified. In the statement, Cetamin said that the MMEA does not apply to the 160 km2 Sukari Gold Mine mining concession, which operates independently under the Sukari Concession Agreement. Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tarek El-Molla asserted that this agreement comes on top of Egypt Mining Forum's current edition achievements.

July 25, 2023 17:02 UTC

This statement comes amid growing concerns about the more than 740,000 refugees who have now fled Sudan for neighboring countries. To date, more than 3.3 million people have been displaced within Sudan and across its borders, including to Egypt. The violent clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces have been ongoing for three months in various parts of Sudan, primarily in the capital, Khartoum, resulting in hundreds of civilian casualties. Since April 15, large-scale, violent clashes have been occurring between the Sudanese army and Rapid Support Forces in various regions of Sudan, most of them concentrated in the capital Khartoum, leaving hundreds of civilian casualties. However, this did not happen due to disagreements between the leaders of the armed forces and the leaders of the Rapid Support Forces on setting a timeline for integrating the Rapid Support Forces into the army.

July 25, 2023 12:44 UTC

CAIRO - 25 July 2023: The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) expects that Tuesday, a rise in temperatures will prevail, with very hot and humid weather to be witnessed during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt and the eastern coasts of South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt. The Meteorological Authority also expects that today will witness a rise in humidity levels throughout the day, which increases the feeling of the weather’s heat. Tomorrow, wind activity will be witnessed on the beaches of Matrouh, Dabaa, El Alamein and Alexandria, with wind speeds of 40:50 km per hour and wave heights of 2:3 meters. As for the temperatures on Tuesday:Cairo will record highs of 38 degrees (felt 41 degrees), and lows of 27 degreesAlexandria will record highs of 33 degrees, and lows of 24 degreesMatrouh will record highs of 32 degrees, and lows of degreesSohag will record highs of 43 degrees, and lows of 27 degreesQena will record highs of 44 degrees, and lows of 28 degreesAswan will record highs of 45 degrees, high 46 degrees, and lows of 29 degrees.

July 25, 2023 07:34 UTC

The countdown to summer movies marathon has started. Multiple megastars will compete with their movies in the summer movies marathon. 2- Marie El BrimoEgyptian superstar Mohamed Henedy competes in the summer cinematic marathon with "Marie El Brimo" movie. "Marie El Brimo" movie revolves Upper Egyptian man named Marie who sells watermelon in one of the local markets. 4- VOY !VOY !

July 24, 2023 23:51 UTC

Israeli lawmakers began a marathon debate on Sunday on the first major bill of a contentious plan to overhaul the judiciary ahead of a final vote on Monday, as massive crowds rally across the country to protest against the plan. Protesters on Sunday continued to flock to Jerusalem, where at least 83,000 arrived on Saturday after a four-day march with the Israeli flags, Channel 13 TV news reported. Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters gathered at the Western Wall in the Old City, one of the holiest sites for Jews. Hundreds of physicians marched from the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem to the Knesset, chanting slogans and holding posters. Nationwide protests have been held for 29 weeks in a row over the far-right government’s divisive proposal to overhaul the judiciary.

July 24, 2023 22:06 UTC

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store on Saturday urged the nation to commemorate the July 22 attacks in 2011 that killed 77 people, while emphasizing the importance of respecting diversity. Not to and from, now and then, but all the time,” said Store at the commemoration held in Oslo that marked the 12th anniversary of the tragedy. He acknowledged the efforts of the national support group, which has provided crucial support for survivors and the broader community affected by the attacks. Norway’s penal code does not have the death penalty or life imprisonment, and the maximum prison term for Breivik’s charges is 21 years. However, the term can be repeatedly extended by five years as long as he is considered a threat to society.

July 24, 2023 21:37 UTC

The event was also sponsored by the Arab League and the Arab Federation for Digital Economy, along with a wide range of prominent companies in the financial technology industry. The theme of this year’s summit was “The Gateway to Financial Technology in the Middle East and Africa”, boasting over 4,000 participants, including officials and experts in the fields of electronic payments, financial technology, innovation, and digital banking. Commenting on his participation in the event, Haytham Abbas, the CEO of TechLine, stated: “We believe that financial technology plays a vital role in boosting economic growth and empowering consumers and businesses. During the summit, TechLine showcased a diverse range of innovative solutions and services in the field of financial technology, presented by our specialized team. “Dring the summit, we presented a comprehensive range of integrated solutions to help financial technology companies achieve operational excellence through the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies and tools.

July 24, 2023 15:14 UTC

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed, as he hosted Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko for talks in St. Petersburg. Putin replied, “It exists, but it has failed.”Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive started in June. During the meeting, Lukashenko also made a jocular remark about the Wagner Group, a paramilitary unit that is now training Belarusian special forces. Last week, Belarus’ Defence Ministry said that Wagner Group had started training Belarusian special forces at a military range near the Polish border. The Russian president warned Poland on Friday that he would consider any aggression against Belarus as an attack on Russia.

July 24, 2023 12:16 UTC

Egypt and the United Arab Emirates stand out as the two favorite destinations in the Chinese outbound tourism market this year, the People’s Daily newspaper of China reported on Saturday. The newspaper said that the data from the VFS Global agency for visa services shows a strong increase in demand by Chinese tourists for tourist visas since last March. By May, the number of foreign visa applications in China had reached 40 percent of the 2019 level, People’s Daily said, indicating that VFS Global expects that travel demand will continue to rise this year, and that the annual travel peak will soon come. VFS Global expressed its optimism about the tourism season for the year 2023, expecting it to continue throughout the year. The agency added that the students’ summer holidays had brought forward the peak demand for visas to May, anticipating that this peak would continue for four consecutive months.

July 24, 2023 08:22 UTC

The Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) warned citizens not to use elevators at specific times, coinciding with power outages and a heat wave hitting the country. “The load reduction program is implemented according to the capabilities required of each control, taking into account that the outages begin at a period of 10 minutes before the top of the hour and 10 minutes after it, and the duration of the disconnection does not exceed one hour from the time of the outage,” the company said in a statement. Although the electricity company’s statement specified approximate dates for the outages, social media reactions showcased widespread confusion regarding when these outages would occur. The Minister of Electricity, Mohamed Shaker, said in remarks that there is a “temporary” crisis in electricity production due to a lack of fuel, and low pressure in gas networks brought on by high loads on the electricity network. Shaker called on citizens to rationalize electricity consumption in order to reduce blackout hours.

July 24, 2023 07:35 UTC

Egypt - High-ranking government sources have revealed that several executives have left their positions in the Sovereign Fund of Egypt (TSFE). The sources said to Daily News Egypt that the resigned officials include Abdalla El-Ebiary, Chief Investment Officer; Karim Badr, the executive director of the Egypt Sub-Fund for Utilities and Infrastructure; Hisham Moussa, the executive director of the Egypt Sub-Fund for Health and Drug Services, and Amr Elhamy, the executive director of tourism and real estate investment. Daily News Egypt tried to reach TSFE for comment, with no success. Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, and Chairperson of the Sovereign Fund of Egypt, revealed last Thursday that the volume of assets managed for the fund amounted to about $12bn, to join the list of the 50 largest sovereign funds. The Sovereign Fund of Egypt joined the list of the 50 largest sovereign funds in the world.

July 24, 2023 06:59 UTC

The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has revealed the completion of the replacement of 10.8 million payroll cards for public workers and pensioners with the national payment card “Meeza” in 2022. According to the Central Bank, this comes in implementation of the decisions issued by the National Payments Council regarding reliance on a national payment system. The Central Bank also revealed its intention to prepare the final draft of the rules governing the provision of cloud computing services. The Central Bank also indicated that it is currently preparing the draft regulatory rules governing electronic authentication and electronic approval of terms and conditions. The Central Bank highlighted the most prominent features of the law, which aims to regulate crowdfunding activities based on lending, peer-to-peer lending, digital association activities, and digital savings activities.

July 23, 2023 20:27 UTC

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has sent three Chinook helicopters equipped with all the advanced tools and means to help the Greek authorities fight the wildfires in the country. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted on Sunday: “I want to express our gratitude to Egypt for sending 3 firefighting helicopters to reinforce our efforts in the fight against forest fires. The Greek Fire Service described the fires as the most difficult ever in the country and warned of a worsening situation due to strong winds. Meanwhile, firefighting teams are continuing attempts to control forest fires in a number of locations. Emergency and civil protection officials are warning of a high risk of new fires throughout the country.

July 23, 2023 20:10 UTC