CAIRO - 26 July 2023: Within its plan to develop the nature protection sector, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment has adopted the importance of expanding ecotourism as an important and new type of tourism in Egypt that works to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the environment and tourism sectors. The Ministry of Environment launched the first national campaign to promote natural reserves and ecotourism in Egypt under the title “ECO EGYPT”, which aims to promote 13 protected areas in Egypt that are suitable for the eco-tourism experience, to encourage its pioneers to try a unique experience of tourism and activities based on enjoying and preserving natural resources. A report issued by the Ministry of Environment confirmed that there are a number of measures taken by the ministry to support sustainable tourism and tourism of natural reserves, including merging environmental standards in the hotel sector and updating the “Green Star” sign. The measures include launching the initiative “Towards Green Development for the Tourism Sector” in 2020, in coordination between the Ministries of Environment and Tourism. The Ministry of Environment has also sought to support diving centers to obtain the “Green Fins” mark, which is the first environmental mark in the world in the diving sector.

Source:   Egypt Today
July 26, 2023 15:28 UTC