Cursed man goes motionless for stealing his friends' phones - News Summed Up

Cursed man goes motionless for stealing his friends' phones

General News of Saturday, 18 March 2023Source: www.ghanaweb.comA young man captured in a video gone viral on social media is seen in a motionless state with his head bowed down. The incident, according to reports happened at Drobo, a town located in the Jaman South municipality in the Bono region. According to the narrator of the video, Jaman Kwabena Kiss, the young man was cursed by his friends for stealing their mobile phones. "He went to steal his friends' phones at Drobo and his friends, out of sorrowfulness went to curse the thief...this young man standing there is the culprit. As I am talking to you now, Kosia kum tamfo in Jaman South has caught this man," Jaman Kwabena Kiss said.

Source: GhanaWeb March 18, 2023 11:32 UTC

