Senegal adopts $452m for national health budget for next year – The North Africa Post - News Summed Up

Senegal adopts $452m for national health budget for next year – The North Africa Post

Senegal’s legislature approved Sunday November 19 the Government proposal of $452 million for national health budget accounting for 3.9 per cent of national budget for next year (2024). The lawmakers in unison greenlighted the budget presented by Minister Marie Khémesse Ngom Ndiaye, head of Health department. The 2024 health budget in on the increase by 9 per cent, compared to the 2023 financing budget. Marie Ndiaye told lawmakers that current health budget as of Q3 has been implemented by 62.31 per cent. The West African country is projecting for next year a national budget of $11 billion.

Source: The North Africa Journal November 21, 2023 03:11 UTC

