Two years of Samia’s reforms make Dar economy competitive - News Summed Up

Two years of Samia’s reforms make Dar economy competitive

By BEATRICE MATERU More by this AuthorTanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan spent her years in national politics playing second fiddle to her predecessor John Pombe Magufuli. President Samia, on the other hand, has rallied for national unity. President Samia did allow the banned media outlets to resume publication, even though critics have said she hasn’t helped amend the laws Magufuli introduced to squeeze the freedoms. While Tanzania has free basic education, President Samia has since waived all forms of fees and contributions in government schools, including registration and exam fees, which posed a significant burden on parents in the past. Reopened diplomatic relationsUnlike Magufuli, President Samia reopened Tanzania’s diplomatic relations with the world, and resumed Tanzania’s frequent travels by a head of state.

Source: News 24 March 20, 2023 03:12 UTC

