This is Not America: Political Censorship Campaign Unconstitutionally Targeted Millions of Americans - News Summed Up

This is Not America: Political Censorship Campaign Unconstitutionally Targeted Millions of Americans

“The way this works is that there are trending — there are trends that are out there on social media platforms. “White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday made groundbreaking admissions revealing the Biden administration’s agenda of deciding what speech Americans are allowed to hear,” Dhillion writes. “Psaki admitted, ‘members of the [White House] senior staff’ are ‘in regular touch with the social media platforms’ for the purpose of addressing this ‘big issue of misinformation’,” she continued. “In both cases, the government is working with and directing social media platform proxies to remove user expression that clearly would enjoy the protection of the First Amendment if the government tried to censor it directly. The U.S. government is violating the Constitutional charter that brought it into existence by violating the rights of Americans in states across the country.

Source: CNN October 02, 2022 19:00 UTC

