UN Promises to Kashmiris - News Summed Up

UN Promises to Kashmiris

Broken promises haunt Kashmir’s history and explain its tragedy. “With the lapse of Brit­ish paramountcy on Aug. 15, 1947, broken promises over Kashmir came not like sin­gle spies but in battalions, to borrow from Hamlet. Promises were made by India in 1966, (Tashkent Declaration), 1972, (Shimla Agreement) to nego­tiate seriously over Kashmiri’s sovereignty. The train of bro­ken promises over Kashmir might be forgiven if the con­sequences were innocuous or inconsequential. It seems that the UN Security Council has honored India’s indefensible defense of its Kashmir broken promises because of its mus­cular military, nuclear and economic profile and hege­mony in South Asia.

Source: The Nation November 19, 2023 19:22 UTC

