Liberia: Senate Passes Pension Bill with Modification - News Summed Up

Liberia: Senate Passes Pension Bill with Modification

MONROVIA –The Plenary of the Liberian Senate has passed into law a bill seeking to adopt an integrated pension and benefits scheme with three modifications for certain categories of officials of the Government of the Republic of Liberia. By: Henry Karmo [email protected]The bill seeks to repeal or amend certain portions of Title 19, Legislative Act, Title 12, Executive Law of Liberia, and Title 17, the Judiciary Law (1972), as amended in 2003. At the same time, all benefits for President, Vice President, Speaker, Chief Justice, President Pro-Tempore and Deputy Speaker will be a certain per cent as indicated of basic salary instead it being applied on sum total of salaries and benefits. The last modification indicates that if any of the officials retires and subsequently receives a “gainful employment” and then retires finally, his Pension would be the highest of the two instead of being asked to make a choice. The proposed instrument has been sent the House of Representatives for concurrence.

Source: Front Page Africa March 17, 2023 06:50 UTC

