Party diplomacy contributes to raising Vietnam’s position: senior official - News Summed Up

Party diplomacy contributes to raising Vietnam’s position: senior official

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (left) and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping. (Photo: VNA)Under the Party’s leadership and the State’s management, forces in charge of foreign affairs have fulfilled their important tasks of contributing to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment at home and raising the country’s position in the international arena, a senior Party official has said.In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency regarding Party diplomacy, Le Hoai Trung, member of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations , affirmed that Vietnam has expanded its partnerships in 2022, not only with political parties but also with States and people’s organisations. Party diplomacy has been conducted through various forms such as phone talks, official visits, theory workshops and experience exchanges, among others, he continued.Vietnam and its partners have enhanced their mutual understanding and consolidated their political trust, the official stressed.Trung highlighted Vietnam's relations with neighbouring countries, recalling the official visit to China by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in late 2022, which was a success across spheres.Vietnam celebrated the 60th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties and 45 years of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation with Laos, and the 55th anniversary of diplomatic ties with Cambodia this year, with an array of practical and diverse activities organised.The country has also joined a number of diplomatic activities of political parties in Southeast Asia, including those between them and their international partners, he added.The official also emphasised Vietnam's relations with countries in Asia, Europe, America and Latin America, which have been fostered through phone talks, meetings, visits and experience exchanges.

Source: Viet Nam News December 31, 2022 23:26 UTC

