10 Important Questions For Tech Execs To Ask Their Next Freelance Developer - News Summed Up

10 Important Questions For Tech Execs To Ask Their Next Freelance Developer

However, you don’t want to hire just anybody, especially if you’re seeking a freelance developer for your tech company. Below, the experts of Forbes Technology Council share some good questions to ask a freelance developer to ensure they’re a good fit for a project. One of the most important things to confirm up front with a freelancer is their willingness to respond to follow-up questions. Thus, ask freelancers (just as potential job candidates) to describe the three adjectives that describe them or how they view themselves (e.g., resourceful, perseverant, etc.) When hiring a freelance developer, I always like to ask them if they’ve ever done projects for similar clients in the same industry as me.

Source: Forbes May 29, 2019 12:11 UTC

