Prof Ratemo Michieka: JKUAT founding Vice-Chancellor - News Summed Up

Prof Ratemo Michieka: JKUAT founding Vice-Chancellor

Prof Ratemo Michieka [Elvis Ogina, Standard]In a cosy nook at The Library, a charming cafe tucked away in Nairobi’s Sarit Centre, I find myself in the company of Professor Ratemo Michieka. Seated at The Library, surrounded by shelves of books that invite patrons to read as they savour their meals, we embark on a voyage through the life of Professor Ratemo Michieka. He mentions many other influences, and in turn, throughout his career, Prof Michieka has also been passionate about mentorship and succession planning. Prof Ratemo Michieka [Elvis Ogina, Standard]He would spend 13 years at JKuat and is proud of the fact that there were no riots during his time, an issue that plagued other universities then. Beyond his professional life, Prof Michieka finds solace and joy in his family.

Source: Daily Nation October 01, 2023 07:29 UTC

