Ottawa enters 'diciest' weeks for viral transmission - News Summed Up

Ottawa enters 'diciest' weeks for viral transmission

(Trevor Pritchard/CBC - image credit)Public health experts urge residents to stay vigilant and get vaccinated as flu season arrives amid rising COVID-19 numbers in the Ottawa area. "We're entering those weeks where things are the diciest," said Raywat Deonandan, an epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa, on CBC Radio's All In A Day. The colder weather brings the triple threat of higher COVID-19, influenza and RSV transmission, as residents learned last fall. Ottawa Public Health (OPH) data suggests COVID-19 activity increased last week, compared to the week before. That surge overwhelmed hospitals during last year's cold and flu season, which Roumeliotis said is not happening so far in 2023.

Source: CBC News November 19, 2023 15:14 UTC

