Russia Expels 2 US Diplomats for ‘Illegal Activity’ - News Summed Up

Russia Expels 2 US Diplomats for ‘Illegal Activity’

VOA News |Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Thursday it has expelled two U.S. Embassy employees from the country, accusing them of working with a Russian national that Moscow had previously accused of spying. In a statement, the foreign ministry said it had summoned U.S. Ambassador Lynne Tracy and informed her that the two diplomats — Jeff Sillin and David Bernstein — conducted “illegal activities by liaising with a Russian citizen, Robert Shonov,” and they must leave the territory of Russia within seven days. Last month, the FSB announced it planned to interrogate Sillin and Bernstein after it accused them of directing Shonov to gather information. Yet again, Russia has chosen confrontation and escalation over constructive diplomatic engagement.”VOA State Department Correspondent Cindy Saine contributed to this reportVisited 20 times, 11 visit(s) today

Source: GNN Liberia September 15, 2023 09:12 UTC

