Mum forced to give birth in her driveway after being sent home by hospital - News Summed Up

Mum forced to give birth in her driveway after being sent home by hospital

Hannah Mitchell was turned away from the hospital by staff who claimed she wasn’t ready to give birth (Picture: SWNS)A woman was forced to give birth on her driveway after being turned away from the hospital. Hannah Mitchell, 38, was experiencing regular contractions when she and partner Phil Bryan, also 38, arrived at Walsall Manor Hospital on December 30. Despite being in so much pain she ‘thought she was going to die’, she was told to ‘calm down’ by midwifery staff and sent home. The couple made their way back but as soon as they pulled into their driveway, Hannah’s waters broke in the passenger seat. Me and Phil are doing well but I think we are both still in shock about what happened,’ Hannah said.

Source: MetroXpress January 08, 2023 00:11 UTC

