Deal inches closer on freeing hostages in Gaza: 'Very sensitive stage,' WH official says - News Summed Up

Deal inches closer on freeing hostages in Gaza: 'Very sensitive stage,' WH official says

Michael Herzog, the Israeli ambassador to the U.S., echoed that view in his own interview with Raddatz. "That would also make it much easier to both bring humanitarian assistance into Gaza and also distribute that assistance throughout Gaza," Finer said. Herzog said Sunday that "to reoccupy Gaza, to govern Gaza, it is not our desire. "We are in the dialogue with United States about [what comes] after Hamas in Gaza," Herzog said, "and that includes, of course, the idea that Palestinians will govern over Palestinians." Deal inches closer on freeing hostages in Gaza: 'Very sensitive stage,' WH official says originally appeared on

Source: ABC News November 20, 2023 10:02 UTC

