The ‘Girls’ Online Fandom Revival Was Bound to Happen - News Summed Up

The ‘Girls’ Online Fandom Revival Was Bound to Happen

This was the total apex of Girls mania: a time when this unassuming HBO series could induce blind rancor, giddy acclaim, and a bizarre, ambiguous bitterness in all those who came near it. She tells them, hilariously, that she believes herself to be the voice of her generation. My friend had finally confirmed that Girls was out-of-touch, vain, elitist, and oppressively New York, and she gleefully hate-watched the next batch of episodes. In retrospect, anyone who digested that line at face value was clearly missing the point. But this criticism was par for the course during the age of Girls.

Source: The Nation March 18, 2023 00:03 UTC

