Argentine business leaders welcome Javier Milei’s presidency - News Summed Up

Argentine business leaders welcome Javier Milei’s presidency

After far-right economist Javier Milei’s win in Sunday’s run-off election, Argentina’s main business associations and leaders generally reacted with support for the president-elect. Common themes across their reactions were the desire to work closely with the new administration to fix the country’s economic situation and the importance of the work ahead. One of the first to congratulate Milei was the group of leading business associations known as the “G6” — the Argentine Chamber of Construction (Camarco), the Argentine Rural Society (SRA), the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC), the Association of Argentine Banks (ABA), the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA) and the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA). “[We] celebrate the carrying out of a new democratic election in peace and congratulate its protagonists,” said G6 members in a signed statement. Argentine sovereign bonds are also up at around 6 percent.

Source: Bueno Aires Herald November 20, 2023 15:50 UTC

