Taipei MRT food restriction markings to change by January 北捷車站禁食線 一月底前調整 - News Summed Up

Taipei MRT food restriction markings to change by January 北捷車站禁食線 一月底前調整

As of last month, Taipei Rapid Transit Corp has started relocating the eating restriction demarcations in 32 of its MRT stations. After the work is completed, expected this coming January, members of the public walking through the no-ticket areas of the stations will be allowed to consume food and drink. The areas of the Taipei MRT passengers enter after swiping their cards at the gates are counted as ticket areas; areas passengers are not required to swipe their cards to enter are the no-ticket areas. After the restriction markings are changed in the designated stations, the rules for the no-ticket access areas will be more consistent than at present. (CNA, translated by Paul Cooper)從上個月起,台北捷運陸續調整三十二個捷運站的禁止飲食線,預計明年一月底完工,未來民眾行走在非付費區時將可飲食。搭乘台北捷運時,刷卡進入閘門後,為付費區;無須刷卡處,為非付費區。各站的禁食線調整後,未來各車站的非付費通道將一致。目前部分捷運車站對於禁食線的標準不一,如忠孝復興站的非付費通道內有出入口,所以未劃設禁食線,但如市政府站,非付費通道內無出入口,所以劃設禁食區。TODAY’S WORDS今日單字 1.thoroughfare n. 通道(tong1 dao4) 2.violate v. 違反 (wei2 fan3) 3.punish v. 處罰 (chu3 fa2) 4.fine n. 罰款;罰鍰 (fa2 huan2; fa2 kuan3)以市政府站為例,民眾、旅客往往不小心走進去,卻因此違反規定。根據「大眾捷運法」,只要在禁食線內飲食,經工作人員勸導無效,可處以新台幣一千五百元以上、七千五百元以下罰鍰。(中央社)

Source: Taipei Times October 11, 2017 15:56 UTC

