Legislature Resumes with Pressure to Set Referendum Agenda - News Summed Up

Legislature Resumes with Pressure to Set Referendum Agenda

In 2016, the Leadership of the House of Representatives in the 53rd Legislature voted for the 25 propositions to be reduced to 6 items for the Referendum agenda. The titles for the four resolutions for discussions and passage are Citizenship Amendment, Property Amendment, Qualifications, I Amendment, and Qualification II Amendment. The purpose for the adjustment of the Property Amendment is to allow non-citizens of Liberia to own property, with certain restrictions. However, if the agenda for Referendum is approved by the House and the Senate and attested by the president, the 1986 Constitution mandates that the education of a referendum should be at least 12 months before the referendum be put to a national referendum. Meanwhile, according to reports from the National Elections Commission (NEC) in 2016, at least US$30 million is needed for the exercise.

Source: Daily Observer April 16, 2018 02:36 UTC

