China’s top anti-terror squad shifts training focus from physical to mental - News Summed Up

China’s top anti-terror squad shifts training focus from physical to mental

China’s top anti-terror squad shifts training focus from physical to mentalBy GLOBAL TIMEShome/Opinion/Analysis/China’s top anti-terror squad shifts training focus from physical to mentalAt 1 am in the dead of night, an air of tension spreads over the dark, quiet field. Zhang Chao, a member of the special armed police, disguises himself as a medical worker as he approaches the hijacked bus. During the anti-terror simulation, Zhang Ling repeatedly grilled commanders on every operation plan they submitted, demanding to know how confident they were in it. “If our performance is inferior to our foreign peers, then deep reflection is required,” Zhang Ling said. The global anti-terror situation is more complex nowadays, Zhang Ling explains, and female terrorists are more common.

Source: Manila Times April 19, 2019 17:03 UTC

