The General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) announced yesterday that Korea’s Hyundai had resumed work on the Tripoli West 1,400 MW Steam Power Station project.
At a ceremony yesterday, GECOL’s Chairman, Mohamed Al-Mashay, inaugurated the resumption of work on the project, in the presence of the Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of South Korea, the Tripoli West Steam Station Project Manager of the Korean Hyundai Company, the directors of the company’s general departments, and several of those concerned in the field of energy.
Will contribute to stability of electrical networkGECOL noted that the addition of this project will make a notable contribution to the stability of the electrical network throughout the country upon completion of its implementation.
The power plant consists of 4 units with a total production capacity of 1,400 megawatts that will enter the network ‘‘as soon as it is ready’’, it added.
Strategic projects aim to attain sustainable rotating generation reserveFor his part, the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors stressed his keenness to increase the reliability of the components of the public electrical network by increasing new generating units as part of a package of strategic projects that aim to reach a rotating reserve that exceeds demand, and thus sustains the electrical supply to citizens.