Whirlpool comes clean on parents’ dishwasher problem - News Summed Up

Whirlpool comes clean on parents’ dishwasher problem

Whirlpool: Jennifer Neumann and Paul Tebby have a son Logan, who just turned 1 year old. They paid $799 for a higher-end appliance since they liked Whirlpool and assumed it would cover any major problems. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW“I was stuck holding the rack until Paul could hear me,” Jennifer said. Reacting to a suggestion from Whirlpool that the dishwasher was overloaded, the new parents said they never used the up-and-down adjustment on the top rack and put all heavy items on the bottom rack. Soon after I forwarded Neumann’s email, Whirlpool Canada agreed to fix the dishwasher rack as a one-time goodwill gesture.

Source: thestar June 12, 2019 18:00 UTC

