Uhuru's Sh1.2b Sigiri bridge in Budalangi collapses - News Summed Up

Uhuru's Sh1.2b Sigiri bridge in Budalangi collapses

LEFT: President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto inspects the construction works of the Sigiri bridge on June 14, 2017. RIGHT: The bridge collapsed on June 26, 2017. The iconic Sigiri bridge under construction in Budalangi Constituency, Busia County, has collapsed a fortnight after president Uhuru Kenyatta visited the region to inspect it. Sigiri bridge will significantly reduce deaths and make it easier for the residents to access markets, schools and hospitals. pic.twitter.com/WDzAebmQQI — Uhuru Kenyatta (@UKenyatta) June 14, 2017Today I hosted Eng Li Luobin and Jerome Zhuhe of COVEC, contractors of Sigiri Bridge.

Source: Daily Nation June 26, 2017 08:55 UTC

