Trump defied own aides in congratulating Putin on win - News Summed Up

Trump defied own aides in congratulating Putin on win

I am unconvinced by Clara Holzer’s claim that US President Donald Trump is “correct to say that we should wait for the facts before commenting” on the UK spy poisoning. If President Trump was not sufficiently convinced about the UK poisoning claim, all he needed to do was call PM May for a full explanation of the evidence. Ms Holzer could also explain why Trump did not hesitate to make a call to President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, congratulating the Russian leader on his election victory on Sunday. Among those protesting that move was Republican Senator John McCain, who echoed the view of many in saying Putin had won a “sham election”. Holzer might also ask why Trump acted against specific warnings delivered by White House aides, who handed him briefing notes with “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” written in bold letters.

Source: The Nation Bangkok March 21, 2018 18:00 UTC

