Trinity professor missing on Everest after scaling summit - News Summed Up

Trinity professor missing on Everest after scaling summit

A professor at Trinity College Dublin has been reported missing while descending Mount Everest after reaching the peak of the world’s highest mountain for the first time. The rescue team searching for Mr Lawless was called off on Thursday night and will resume their search at first light on Friday. Mr Lawless flew to Nepal in April to spend a month acclimatising to the thin air at high altitudes. My friends are joking that climbing Everest is my mid-life crisis,” Mr Lawless said in an interview published in February before he set off on the 2019 Irish Everest Expedition to Nepal. A spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs said it was aware of media reports about the missing Irish climber and it stood ready to provide consular assistance if requested.

Source: The Irish Times May 16, 2019 15:38 UTC

