That rustling on the radio is my desert island crisps - News Summed Up

That rustling on the radio is my desert island crisps

The final hour of my weekly Sunday night show on TalkRadio is given over to a slot that we call “Desert Island Crisps”, in which a famous guest is invited to imagine that he or she has been stranded on a desert island with only eight snacks to keep them going until they are rescued. They don’t have to be crisps (I just liked the title) but they do have to be things — biscuits, chocolate bars, etc — that could feasibly be purchased in a corner shop. The producer then brings them in and we scoff our way through them live on air as I tease out a life story, until we get to the final snack and they are asked to choose the one that…

Source: The Times December 10, 2019 00:00 UTC

