SendtoNews is the biggest sports video service you’ve never heard of - News Summed Up

SendtoNews is the biggest sports video service you’ve never heard of

Matthew Watson was a sports fan long before becoming a tech executive, supporting West Coast teams like the Vancouver Canucks, the Vancouver Whitecaps and the Seattle Mariners. “Basically all the major leagues for the U.S. and Canada, we’re their exclusive distribution partner for short-form video,” Watson says. “In the U.S., we’ve probably got a 60 per cent penetration of newspaper dot-coms and similar with radio dot-coms and we’re well on our way with native digital sites and also broadcast dot-coms,” Watson says. Revenue comes from advertising that’s shown before its sports videos begin to run. “Just in the U.S., we do about 450 million video views a month and we have over 25 million unique viewers in the U.S. alone with all of our publisher sites.”ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW

Source: thestar June 18, 2019 10:52 UTC

