Nation’s first crab road opened in Pingtung County - News Summed Up

Nation’s first crab road opened in Pingtung County

By Tsai Tsung-hsien and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe nation’s first underground passage for land crabs to safely cross a road has been completed in Pingtung County’s Jialeshuei (佳樂水), Kenting National Park officials said. Every summer about 500 land crabs cross the road from coastal forests to lay eggs on the seashore. The underpass is a 100m-long trench under the two-lane road, covered by a metal grate and slippery plastic sides to discourage the crabs from climbing onto the road, park officials said. It is thought that land crabs use moonlight to navigate during their nocturnal march to the sea, park officials said. The passage has been designed based on land crab behavior research, but much of the information is speculative, park officials said.

Source: Taipei Times February 20, 2017 16:04 UTC

