National Oil is now in a healthy cash flow position: CEO MaryJane Mwangi - News Summed Up

National Oil is now in a healthy cash flow position: CEO MaryJane Mwangi

| Published Sun, April 22nd 2018 at 00:00, Updated April 21st 2018 at 21:18 GMT +3National Oil Corporation CEO MaryJane MwangiNational Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOC) recently announced plans to list on the Nairobi and London stock exchanges, which could raise up to Sh100 billion for the firm’s upstream activities. You have been at the helm of National Oil Corporation for nearly two years now and the results have been impressive. With increasing competition from private oil and gas companies in Kenya, is NOC’s objective to achieve its mandate under threat? The role of a national oil company is distinct from other oil and gas companies in the market. The impact that these national oil companies have played in the development of their respective economies is immense.

Source: Standard Digital April 21, 2018 21:00 UTC

