Liberia’s Elections Under Microscope: Cummings Invites International Experts to Examine Fraud - News Summed Up

Liberia’s Elections Under Microscope: Cummings Invites International Experts to Examine Fraud

These loopholes have created the avenue for many presidential candidates to challenge the results coming out of the elections. These elections were characterized by gross irregularities and fraud which undermined the integrity of the elections and deprived thousands of Liberians their constitutional rights to vote. 84,000 Invalid VotesLiberians from all walks of life have also expressed concerns over the credibility of the elections and questioned the huge number of invalid votes. According to the NEC, about 84,000 invalid votes were counted during the counting process. So how is NEC really feeling about the huge number of invalid votes?

Source: Front Page Africa October 18, 2017 02:03 UTC

