Ending net neutrality will save the internet, not destroy it - News Summed Up

Ending net neutrality will save the internet, not destroy it

Although the internet operated effectively and efficiently without net neutrality, Obama’s FCC in 2015 suddenly and inexplicably determined a radical transformation was required to “save” it. By ending net neutrality, the Trump administration’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order gets government out of the business of telling ISPs how to run their networks. Supporters of net neutrality say that it protected everyday Americans from having their internet slowed down or their favorite websites blocked by a greedy, evil internet service provider. Make no mistake about it, net neutrality wasn’t really about paid prioritization or ensuring internet “fairness.” The truth is that net neutrality was passed by the left-wing Obama administration to give more power over the internet to the federal government. The FCC’s decision to end net neutrality is meant to protect this freedom for future generations, an important victory for all Americans.

Source: Fox News December 16, 2017 16:48 UTC

