Digital newspapers must be given same VAT exemption as print, Cairncross Review finds - News Summed Up

Digital newspapers must be given same VAT exemption as print, Cairncross Review finds

Treating digital newspapers equally to their printed counterparts would help sustain journalism, Dame Frances Cairncross arguesDigital news products should enjoy the same VAT exemption as printed papers, according to a government-commissioned report. The Cairncross Review, which is published today, argues that this zero-rating should be extended to digital publications. Other recommendations include setting up a “news quality” regulator to hold online platforms such as Facebook to account for spreading misinformation. The BBC also faces restrictions on its digital operation after the review ordered greater scrutiny of its impact on local newspapers. Her recommendations include:• Direct financial support for local journalism through the expansion of a scheme in which nearly…

Source: The Times February 12, 2019 00:02 UTC

