Despite failed promises, Elon Musk is my favourite entrepreneur: Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak - News Summed Up

Despite failed promises, Elon Musk is my favourite entrepreneur: Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak

Silicon Valley legend and Apple Cofounder Steve Wozniak says Elon Musk almost always never delivers on what he promises and much of what he pledges to provide is hyped up, but the Tesla CEO is still his favourite entrepreneur.“I like Elon Musk very much. He makes me buy things which I think I am getting, but I am not. “I do not believe that fully autonomous vehicles are going to be a reality for another decade; unless it is on a highly controlled patch. “Musk made large luxury cars and realized that the super charger is the missing piece that would enable Tesla cars to travel longer. No one else is doing that and for that reason I think Musk and Tesla have a big lead over others,” said Wozniak.

Source: Economic Times February 24, 2018 10:42 UTC

