DR FLO: Will I have to take blood pressure medicine for life? - News Summed Up

DR FLO: Will I have to take blood pressure medicine for life?

Dr Flo, I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and sometimes I feel dizzy. What are the adverse effects of high blood pressure and will I be enslaved to medication for the rest of my life? AlnashirDear Alnashir,The blood pressure reading is a measure of the force at which your heart is pumping blood, and the resistance to the blood flow within the blood vessels. For the majority, there are some risk factors associated with high blood pressure, such as age – blood pressure rises with age, and by the time it is detected as high, it has been rising slowly over many years and continues to do so. To prevent the long-term effects of high blood pressure, you are put on medicine to lower it to normal levels.

Source: Daily Nation May 21, 2018 18:22 UTC

