DR FLO: What is the source of this head-to-toe itch? - News Summed Up

DR FLO: What is the source of this head-to-toe itch?

Dr Flo, for about three weeks I have been itching all over my body, from my scalp to the soles of my feet. These include allergies, inflammatory skin conditions, skin infections, helminth infection (worms), diabetes, thyroid disease, liver disease, kidney disease, nerve disease, iron deficiency anaemia, HIV infection and some types of cancer. You can place a cool cloth or ice over the area that is itching the most for a few minutes to relieve the itch. Dr Flo, I bleed through the anus like periods. Dr Flo, sometimes when I have sexual intercourse, I see some blood in the semen.

Source: Daily Nation May 21, 2019 03:11 UTC

