An alternative look at the USC/L.A. Times poll now shows Clinton ahead by 5 points - News Summed Up

An alternative look at the USC/L.A. Times poll now shows Clinton ahead by 5 points

Tedeschi's reweighted version shows Hillary Clinton leading for most of the summer and fall. As of today, his version shows Clinton ahead by 5.3 percentage points, while the official version of the poll shows Donald Trump with a tiny lead -- of 0.6 points, basically a tie. Pollsters make their best efforts to get the numbers right, but given the same data, different pollsters will often come up with different results. Which approach is the right one is unknowable until the election results are in. In the meantime, however, Tedeschi's approach provides another, reasonable look at the data, and in the interest of transparency, we wanted to share it.

Source: Los Angeles Times October 20, 2016 17:20 UTC

