Alabama Sues To Exclude Undocumented Immigrants From Census Count - News Summed Up

Alabama Sues To Exclude Undocumented Immigrants From Census Count

In a statement, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), one of the plaintiffs in the suit, said apportionment should exclude immigrants and be based on only the citizen population. They argue that including undocumented immigrants in the count to determine congressional representation unfairly allows states with large undocumented populations to have inflated political representation. “At the time of the Founding, there simply wasn’t a category of ‘undocumented’ immigrants,” she wrote in an email. The suit offers no method for the Census Bureau to count legal immigrants but exclude unauthorized residents. He added that it was “fiction” that the Founding Fathers intended to exclude undocumented people from the census.

Source: Huffington Post May 24, 2018 21:00 UTC

