The decision came after Shoaib posted a video clip on her Facebook account in which she claimed to have dealt with girls and women who had become pregnant illegally, potentially violating doctor-patient confidentiality. The prosecution charged the doctor with disturbing public security and peace, using social media to stir up confusion, insulting the masses and violating family principles and values. The prosecution completed investigations with the doctor hours ago in the presence of her lawyers. Shoaib’s video goes trendingThe video clip, which went viral on social media, showed Shoaib claiming that she examined some cases of pregnancy from extramarital sex, including a 14-year-old minor who was eight months pregnant and whose family desired an abortion. I just want to say that I am not a trend person, nor am I looking for a trend.”The Doctors Syndicate announced that it had received complaints against the doctor.

Source:   Egypt Independent
November 13, 2024 20:42 UTC