CAIRO - 5 September 2023: The Largest study of its kind led by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) has found that having more positive body image is strongly associated with better psychological wellbeing and life satisfaction. The research involved 56,968 participants in 65 nations. A consortium of scientists asked participants in 65 nations to complete the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2), which contains 10 items, including ‘I respect my body’ and ‘I appreciate the different and unique characteristics of my body’. Urban vs RuralThe study showed that people living in urban areas may feel stronger pressure to conform to body ideals promoted by Western society, and it is also notable that people from countries considered culturally different to the United States appeared to have broadly greater body appreciation. While on the others side, people in rural areas may benefit from being in nature, which past research has also shown to be linked with positive body image.