A high-level workshop consisting of a round table for Libyan stakeholders and international lenders on ‘‘De-risking Foreign Investments for Renewable Energy in Libya’’ was held in Tripoli yesterday. Prime Ministerial decree 830According to the Libyan National Strategy for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (NSREEE) officially unveiled on 11 December 2023, a guarantee fund was planned to be established. Many other complementary measures are necessary to mitigate the projects’ risks including risk reduction, risk transfer, compensation on risk, and risk distribution. Workshop OutcomesThe workshop decided not to wait for the official outcomes report and decided to work on agreeing an electricity purchase tariff for investors. Libya launches National Strategy for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency 2023-2035 (libyaherald.com)

Source:   Libya Today
March 07, 2024 14:38 UTC