CAIRO - 12 December 2022: Egypt has embarked on multiple transportation projects, which has expanded its transport networks to serve the public. Since the new means of transportation run on electricity, Egypt Today thought to provide brief information, in the below lines, on each project to understand the different between the two prominent projects: the light electric train (LRT) and the electric express train. The most important difference between the light train and the express train is the distance between the stations in addition to the speeds; 1 km to 1.5 km. Express electric trainThe electric express train is being implemented to connect all the governorates of Egypt, to achieve the service of transporting passengers and goods. The financial cost of the express train is $25 million per kilometer, and the capacity is 15,000 passengers per hour in each direction, and the capacity is 250,000 passengers/day.

Source:   Egypt Today
December 12, 2022 11:52 UTC