Actress Rakeen Saad announced the release date of the second season of THE “Rivo” series, which will be shown on the “WATCH IT” platform on June. “Rivo 2, from the original WATCH IT works, will be shown starting from June 21, The story is not over,’ she wrote. The season features a star-studded cast including Amir Eid, Rakeen Saad, Hassan Abul-Roos, Tamer Hashem, Sarah Abdel-Rahman, Malak al-Husseini, Muhammad al-Mula, Sedky Sakhr, Mina al-Naggar, Hisham al-Shazly, Amr Gamal, Youssef Hashish, Maryam Badawi. The second season is a journey that explores the missing details between Maryam’s late father and her mother (Laila), who suffers from advanced Alzheimer’s. Maryam decides to take her mother to her father’s old chalet in al-Ajami, Alexandria, hoping that Laila will regain some of her previous memories.