President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited India on Friday to participate in the G20 summit to be held in New Delhi, the official spokesperson for the Egyptian Presidency Ahmed Fahmy announced. Sisi’s participation in the G20 summit comes in response to the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose country holds the current presidency of the group, the spokesperson added. During the summit, Sisi will focus on various issues of concern for developing countries and Africa in particular, Fahmy said, with particular focus on strengthening international efforts to better integrate developing countries into the global manner. This aims to provide mutual opportunities and advantages for developing nations, attracting investments and achieving economic growth, Fahmy explained. The spokesperson added that Sisi’s visit to India will also see him hold bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the G20 summit, in order to consult with international leaders and officials on various issues of common interest.