One of the five pillars of Islam is the observance of full month fasting in the ninth lunar month of Ramadan annually by all Muslim faithful. The Holy Prophet Muhammad says, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained…. During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims fast every day from dawn to sunset” (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim). The month of Ramadan has come to remind us about the revelation of the seal of all Holy Books, Holy Qur’an, that cannot be editioned, reviewed, or revised till eternity. The 313 of them are Messengers, while the stories of twenty-five Prophets are told in the Holy Qur’an, 104 of the Prophets were given Holy Books; and five of them are considered as unique.

Source:   Nigerian Tribune
March 15, 2024 17:59 UTC