The security authorities of Qalyubiya Security Directorate arrested Heba Sayed Ibrahim, known as Umm Ziyad, a resident of the Khosous area in Qalyubiya who claimed her children have been involved in sexual activity. The accused published a video clip on Tik Tok where she appeared with her children and claimed that her children practiced immoral acts, however the confession was done sorely to generate views from outrage. “This coincided with the Public Prosecution’s receiving a communication about the incident from the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood,” the public prosecution said in a statement. The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood received a communication in its child helpline on April 29 about the aforementioned clip. The incident raises suspicions of human trafficking by exploiting children to attract viewers and make a profit putting the children at risk.

Source:   Egypt Independent
May 05, 2023 22:11 UTC